CORRESPONDENCE TO END OF FEBRUARY 2001 CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH MARCH 2001 From: Edgar Massey To: Willis Propp Cc: Dale Shultz, Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2001 10:08:44 +0200 I am VERY thankful for the privilege of growing up in a professing home, and of knowing Godly workers from my younger years. Since that time I have had an enormous amount of privileges in truth. I had the privilege of 16 years in the work. 8 in Canada and 8 in Sweden that have given me wonderful memories and a wealth of good things to look back on. Since then, in our home here in Sweden, we have had more privileges than most, with Godly friends and workers being in our midst much of the time. We (my wife, 6 children and I) have had very much to be thankful for. And this has helped us through experiences that otherwise perhaps would have been negative in our lives. We do not question that these things are of God. One thing that neither my upbringing as a boy, nor my many privileges since then, has prepared me for, is the situation that I have found myself in these last months. Seeing obvious and complete disregard for the spirit and teaching of Christ amidst us, most evident at the top of the hierarchy itself, but accepted and even encouraged as it filters its way down the ranks. The spirit of expulsion, the spirit of contempt for the honest service of others! The spirit "We are the greatest and highest authority - you are the least!" The spirit "We make the decisions - you have the obligation do what we say in blind obedience!" The spirit "We decide what is right and we decide what is wrong!" The spirit "We know best! - you wouldn't understand !" The spirit "Do not question us, that is sure sign of rebellion!" This is something that I have never had any instruction in dealing with, except for the teaching that was prevalent many years ago when I was a boy, but seemingly put away since then, that 'Do what is right even when NO one else is doing it !'. One of the things I regard as a miracle is that these last months as I have begun to realize the scope of this evil, and have needed guidance and assurance, that a wealth of letters has turned up from friends and workers, as well as ex-friends and ex-workers expressing their feelings as these terrible and ungodly things have unfolded around them the last years. How they, in a very amazing way, to me at least, have dealt with this situation in the quietness of their own spirits and individual lives. I am filled with admiration as I feel the tendency in my own spirit just to become bitter, which is of course unChrist like and extremely destructive. Here is one little expression from an email that I have enjoyed, and appreciated the spirit in, very, very much as I try to find my own position and deal with these things in my own heart and with the thought of my own family. A family of Alberta friends wrote these feelings It is amazing that to such an extent the right spirit and the love for truth are with those who have been hurt so bad and suffered so much. The question that is hard to answer is where we can be the most useful in restoring this kingdom or in finding and being part of the "remnant". At the present we have been moved to try to help those who don't see or understand what is going on from the "inside". I am interested in hearing from any, with advice regarding how they have been able to find peace in their efforts to deal with these things. We do see in the bible that these 'evil things' are not unique for our period in history, but as far as I can understand, they are new and unique to many of us. We have been spared these things in the past but we still have the purpose to keep true to God, and keep his spirit pure within us, and need all the help we can get. Yours thankfully Edgar Massey Tel: (46) 520 441944 Fax: (46) 520 441945 PS. The email system has been criticized for spreading 'unsuitable' things around. Wondered what was meant in the bible where it says 'That which is whispered in the chambers shall be shouted from the housetops". We need to remember Light is in the best interests of truth. 4031 From: Edgar Massey To: Dale Shultz, Cc: "Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck, Willis Propp, Mary Roper Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 08:25:38 +0200 Dale you have said that the following statement is true today in the fellowship that you are 'overseer' over!! "Do you remember when it was an honour to be the least in the kingdom, and the concept of a hierarchy in our fellowship was discouraged?" The system of system-designated 'overseers' is in itself a hierarchy of the most refined sort. The sole purpose of creating this self appointed group of 'the greatest' is for ease of maintaining influence, and easy administration. (Including expulsions and excommunications) Look honestly at the system of seniority planned workers lists - designated seating plans at convention (special 'workers tables' and 'workers seats' - very seniority conscious speakers lists - A very carefully seniority conscious reward system with convention tours, special meetings plans and so on- etc.etc.etc.etc. How can you honestly say that your are discouraging the concept of a hierarchy? The word you have been taught to use as disguise for this 'hierarchy' is 'responsibility' - but you know, and I know, it has become only a trick with wording! The word 'responsibility' is used to describe status in the hierarchy! Here is a quote from a letter I have received from one of our friends Quote: With regards to the hierarchy, just over two years ago I was in a local elders meeting with two workers and one of the elders described "the order". He gestured high in the air and said, "this is the worker's place", lowered his next gesture, and said "this is our place" and then lowered his hand beneath him and said "this is the friend's place". At first I could hardly believe my ears, and expect someone to challenge on this. However, he was met with head nodding by the other elders and no response from the workers attending. I would have thought that at least someone would have offered where Christ fits into it all. At first I thought, or hoped, that this was just a local problem of power hungry men. But as I researched it, I found that not only was this fairly common thinking in Western Canada, but apparently this was specifically being taught to elders in Alberta by WP. Teachings as early as 1992 are reported in AB as "this way works because of the descending order of submission". This is so obviously contrary to the teachings of Christ that I hardly need quote His words on it. End quote Dale, If you wish, you can argue the merits of the system, but you cannot honestly say that you are not encouraging the concept of a hierarchy. Edgar Massey PS. I haven't forgotten Point number 5 about the poor and homeless ministry. I am still waiting for some numbers, but with what people have written me about different funds and estates, accounts, etc, the assets that I can prove exist, add up to numbers that make the claim of poverty ridiculous, at least to people in my income class. If you would care to contest this information, I can present what I have to go on in, one of my next general mailings. Of course we could use the same argument the Catholic priests use - 'It isn't ours, we are poor, it belongs to the holy organization of our church' The honesty problem we have with that explanation is that we have been taught to believe our fellowship didn't have a worldly organization! Jesus said something about giving to the poor, whatever he meant by that. Maybe it was a suggestion of a way to keep the poverty of his ministry - even when there were funds available! Perhaps he was afraid these funds would otherwise be used as a power tool!! 4051 To: Dale Shultz, Cc: "Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck, Mary Roper, Willis Propp Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 21:33:55 +0200 I have asked the question Do you remember when love was a virtue to be encouraged and respected? Dale, you have said it is true today, but just consider the fact that the reason that Marg was rejected as a worker was because of her admiration and respect for people that you didn't think were worthy the kind of love and care she was intent on giving them. It seems to me that you have done everything possible to discourage both her, in her love for these people, and others that may have had similar love for them. Or am I missing something? Seems to me that you have also had love and respect for some of these same people until you were also 'discouraged' from your love and care for them. I will again quote Willis's letter documenting how he 'discouraged' your relationship with these people. Begin quote from Willis letter June 29th, 1999 2. Jack and Dale Shultz at our request agreed to disassociate themselves from those they have been linked with in Alberta. This will surely help to get things resolved. They will write to our Staff stating their intention. End quote Dale, can you honestly say that you encourage the workers around you, to love and care for ALL, or are there exemptions as to who they are encouraged to love! Is unconditional love impossible in our day and age? Edgar 4101 Skickat: den 18 april 2001 19:50 Dear Edgar, I should have you here because I am needing help with my e-mail system. I can receive but not send and I have wasted a good part of the forenoon with it. I have used Ruth`s before but she has something new now that I have not had experience with and she is away at work. Anyway your last e-mails have reached me and it was good of you to check on where I stand. Actually I am as satisfied as I ever was with the place given me in the ministry and though I might have problems with myself I don't find fault with the way this fellowship is composed. At the first convention at Stockholm ...that would be in ' 98 I think, you had a nice testimony and it was mentioned at another convention later and I think I might even have mentioned it in a letter after convention. It was to the effect that "much is different, different facilities but the spirit of convention was the same and you were thankful for this" and genuinely thankful I believe. So, at that time you were enjoying fellowship and were in harmony with all as far as any of us could gather. Your home has been a favorite stopping place for workers in the field or passing through. Even though all of this has been new to Mireille she has fitted in wonderfully and there has never been "no" when there was a question about a visit of a night's lodging or a meal.It looks to me as if something has sprung up in your heart, some little weed, that has spoiled for you what you once went so heartily in I think that your best future lies in doing the first works as others in Bible days have been admonished to do ...and you will find that your criticism will turn to appreciation. A couple of years ago I watched when Myrtle and Irene tried to find an opening in Kragero. They placed an ad in the paper and they answered several other ads that others had placed ...and it all took its time and there were several disappointments before they finally found rooms. Myrtle had been there almost exactly 40 years before when she first came to Norway and I remember it being commented at the time that their approach and message had not changed an iota in that 40 years. Nobody on the staff in Scandinavia is going to believe otherwise either, regardless of how many letters can be sent saying different. So Edgar, the problem lies close to home ...and you might as well accept that if something is drastically wrong that the Lord himself will see to it. My responsibility is my own life, my field and my close surroundings. Yours is your life, your lovely little family, your business and as many as you might touch in your community. It has been nice to be at meetings here in the L.A. area while waiting for conventions to begin. Have been in 4 different homes so far and my heart is touched by the sincere testimonies of these who meet. Shall not add more this time but only wanted to assure you that you have in days past been a good friend to me and many more and would like to feel that it could still be that way in days to come. With greetings to the rest of the family too, Yours, Russell (Jacobs) 4181 From: Edgar Massey <> To: Russell Jacobs Cc: Willis Propp, Dale Shultz, Jim Atcheson, Merlin Affleck Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:59:13 +0200 Thanks for you reply to my letter Russell. Sorry that it seems to me that you have lost the concern, that I have felt you have had in times past, for matters of right or wrong amongst us, and seem willing to accept anything as being Godly, just long as it doesn't threaten the hierarchy that you feel your life is built on. Seems that, especially for a worker, it is an unusual set of morals to live a life by - but as you pointed out to me in your letter, it may be none of my business. Your suggestion that my thoughts and concerns are 'weeds' that have crept into my life is of course an easy way for you to avoid having to deal with them. Many of the other workers I have spoken with, may have different thoughts than mine on how to approach these things, but most are honest enough to be concerned and acknowledge them as obvious problems. You are one of the few that seem willing to accept anything and everything coming from the 'top' as being right and proper. This does seem unfathomable to me as I can remember a time when doing the right thing was an important concern for you and I did appreciate that about you. You mentioned the fact that you have been thankful for the fact that our home has always been open in the past - and of course even in the future you are always welcome in our home. I do have one little hope and that is that when you are with us, that you do not encourage our children to accept evil as being the right thing to do, in ANY situation. Please respect our position that 'right is right' and 'wrong is wrong' - whoever is doing it, even if you don't believe it yourself. This is an important principle to us. We want our children to grow up believing this. We have enjoyed having the Skammelsruds from Norway with us for meeting every now and then. Hilde and Mireille seem to feel they have some things in common as far as their background is concerned. Their little Tordbjörn is the same age as Eleanore so they have a good time together. We expect Eldon and Martin this Saturday after the funeral in Blekinge. Emma has just returned from Italy where she had the privilege of spending a week with Alex Barnato at special meetings time. She is back in school now. All for now. Edgar Massey 4201 From: Edgar Massey To: Helen Furtan Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 11:14:41 +0200 I have decided to send this letter, amongst others, to the workers in Scandinavia regarding some of my concerns about some extremely ungodly events in Canada. Where a large number of friends have been expelled from fellowship for, as it seems to me, extremely ungodly reasons. In February this year, my cousin was expelled from the work for visiting one of these families. Recently Russel has expressed that he was 'firmly supporting' these unreasonable expulsions in Canada and has classified my concerns in these issues as 'weeds' that have come into my thinking. This is the reason I have decided to send this letter. In the things I prove to be wrong in, I hope someone will help me find truth. Yours truly Edgar Massey I have a letter from Russel promising that no one in Scandinavia would listen to a letter from me. I will leave that up to you - and of course respect the right that each has to choose to disregard the following letter completely. 4202 Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 07:47:55 -0600 Dear Russell, You and I don't often communicate while you are away but because of some recent events it has been laid on my heart to respond to you in this way. Hartley and I are looking forward to visiting with you when you arrive in Saskatchewan and a big "get-together" with all our mutual relatives. We also hope you can spend some time in our home, perhaps we can combine the two events. Both of our daughters, Jeannie and Jill, are living in Saskatoon now so we get to see lots of the grandchildren. This hymn, #341, "Does the Master's plea for constancy find echo in thy heart? Art thou pained to see His kingdom suffer loss?" has been very real to me. I believe sorrow and sadness is the most appropriate response when our brethren are mistreated by those in "the ministry". Your dismissive attitude to those who are concerned by the actions of some who have assumed positions of power in our fellowship is puzzling. It is very sad to read your reply to Edgar recently where you say... "It looks to me as if something has sprung up in your heart, some little weed, that has spoiled for you what you once went so heartily in for..." Russell, what you have done is to take the leading of God, what has been properly laid on Edgar's heart to do, and to call this a "weed". To diminish the guiding of God's Spirit as nothing more than something vulgar and contemptible is very unseemly of someone who purports to live by the teachings of Christ. You may You also say...."My responsibility is my own life, my field and my close surroundings. Yours is your life, your lovely little family, your business and as many as you might touch in your community." For you to presume to tell Edgar where the limits of his responsibility should be shows an arrogance that is stunning. Even if you are so very limited in your ability to face corruption or evil in your own sphere of influence, you should NEVER belittle or diminish another for strengths which you don't have. The truth is that "something is drastically wrong" and "that the Lord himself will see to it." This is part of how the Lord will do it, Russell:.. by opening many eyes to the corruption and Godless behavior, leading His people to act in many ways, to speak boldly, to show care and love to those who have been mistreated, to encourage His children to NOT pass by on the other side as the priest and the Levite did, to uphold Jesus and Another thing that you suggest is that Edgar no longer enjoys the fellowship or that somehow his joy is lacking. How ever would you know this? This is true only in the fact that as things are revealed to be corrupt or tainted, that a level of fellowship can no longer continue with some people or under some conditions until things are put right (nor should it). But I would venture to say that God has provided fellowship in new areas and perhaps at deeper levels with those who stand for Christ, as he lived and taught. Russell, it is wonderful that you can say "Actually I am as satisfied as I ever was with the place given me in the ministry" This is as it should be and NO ONE, Edgar or myself included would suggest that this should not be so. Your satisfaction with your chosen profession is NOT at issue here, but your chosen profession IS one that upholds love and care and the life and teaching of Jesus. I trust that you will be able to do this in future. I will look forward to your reply. Perhaps there has been some grave misunderstanding and I have misinterpreted your feelings. Please let me know what you think. If you would prefer, just phone me at (306)652-8832. I have a home office so am usually available to take calls at any time. Thanks. Sincerely, with love and care in Him,......Helen Furtan 4211 Dean Martin Johnson Skickat: den 25 April 2001 10:18 Hi Edgar! It was nice to have had a bit of time in your area this past week-end. Good to see all again. Thanks for your hospitality. I have many good memories of times in your home after having had the privilege of a year there. Recently received a number of emails from you and most recently a letter by mail, and must say the whole thing has left me very distressed and disappointed. Not with the issues that you write of, but rather your spirit in which you have written them in. I love your soul and that is why I must try to write something in response. I suppose maybe it is easy to get critical of some things that you see that maybe should be different; I've experienced that myself. Those verses in Matt 7 have helped me a lot. Jesus said to his disciples "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." I believe that Jesus knew that this was going to be a problem in the Kingdom and that's why he addressed it so clearly. It's easy to get looking at someone else and see all the problems that they have, but not see that the real problem is myself. Would like to have my own doorstep clean before pointing fingers at someone else. Like we've heard that when we point our finger at somebody else, there are three pointing back at us. It's a dangerous thing to try to take things into ones own hands and try to solve things that really are not ours to solve. We must trust that God is in complete control as He has been from the very beginning. I've thought a lot about David and Saul the last while. Saul was chosen of God himself to lead the people, as the men we have amongst us today are. God's spirit departed from Saul because of Saul doing things that he shouldn't have. David was now the chosen King, but......God continued to let Saul reign. Why? Don't know, but he did and that is enough for me. David, regarded Saul as God's anointed even though he knew that what Saul was doing was not right. There was only one time that David took matters into his own hands. That time he went in to the cave and cut the skirts of Saul's garments. I appreciate so much what David said after he did this. 1Sam 24:5 "And it came to pass afterward, that David's heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul's skirt. And he said unto his men, The LORD forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, the LORD'S anointed, to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of the LORD." I'm not implying that things that have been done in Canada have not been right or wrong, but I would be very careful in trying to take things into my own hands, and we MUST remember that these men are the Lord's anointed, He has chosen each and everyone of them. He is well able to do just as He likes. It's not up to us! I felt very bad with your 'loose' choice of words in your letter and one time visiting with you as well Edgar. Mentioning about 'extremely ungodly', 'evil', 'horrible', 'hierarchy', to name a few. It distresses, and frightens me very much to think of you talking so disrespectfully about men that God himself has chosen. Want to remember that when we speak against God's kingdom we are in fact speaking against God himself. Just as Moses, Joshua, Saul, David and others were hand chosen by God himself so are the men we have amongst today. We certainly don't mean they're perfect, but I honestly believe that the most do what is good and right for the Kingdom that God has established here on the earth. You, of all people should have a greater understanding that most after spending 16 years of your life in this great work. I feel for myself that I have a lot of work left to do, but thankful for God's mercy that shows us, while we have time, to get things in order. Maybe this isn't much help Edgar, but it has helped me. Will let this do now. Hope you have a nice visit with your folks when they come. Greetings from me to them. Yours in Him Martin Johnson SWEDEN 4251 Skickat: den 25 April 2001 11:30 Till: Dean Martin Johnson Kopia: Eldon Knudson I appreciate your answer to my letter Martin, although I will have to say that your attitude towards some of these very ungodly things is a disappointment to me. You are evidently in firm support of whatever decisions that come from those above you on the ungodly ladder of hierarchy and you feel justified in the right to criticize and condemn those below you on this same ladder. This is perhaps wise politically and may bring you favour and privilege in that regard, but I doubt it will bring the peace of God. Your suggestion that it is only the 'overseers' that have been 'chosen of God' and thus worthy of respect is an interesting point of view but hardly Godly. I also have enjoyed the story of David recently. The soldiers in Sauls army didn't feel it was their place to challenge the enemy that was making the children of Isrial look like cowards in the face of wrong. The Lord gave David, the least in his family, the conviction to confront Goliath and with the help of God send the Philistines back to where they belonged. (Outside the Kingdom of Israel) Martin, you must admit that some of these things I wrote about should have no place amongst the children of God. They are making the claim to righteousness a spectacle!!! You didn't like my choice of the words 'extremely ungodly', 'evil', 'horrible', 'hierarchy'. I wish I didn't have to use them but they are unfortunately true about these same things that you seem to have taken the stand to support and defend. I will of course respect your right to take what ever position you wish in these matters. I do hope you will respect our wish that our children not be taught to do what the workers say even when it is wrong before God. This is an important principal to us as we feel that 'right is right' and 'wrong is wrong' no matter who is doing it. Edgar Massey 4252 Subject: VB: Repy to Erik Lund's letter Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:00:17 +0200 Dear Erik and Kristian I appreciate the prompt reply to your letter Erik as I presume that you have understood that these are important concerns to us. . As well as the promptness of your reply I also was glad for the spirit I felt that you wrote the letter in -in many of the others replies the prevalent spirit has been ' Who do you think you are?' - No one should dare to question us. We are the Lords servants and we have a far greater understanding than people like you, so learn to keep your place and remember we make the rules" This is what I understood from your letter. You feel that workers controlling million dollar accounts is in line with Christ's commitment to a poor ministry, as costs have gone up and it is difficult to store money in any other way and sometimes you have more and sometimes less. I understood that you were in support of the unquestionable hierarchy system that has developed for the administration of the workers and friends the last years, and regard it as in line with the teachings of Christ. I didn't really understand the reasoning from the scriptures you quoted but did understand you felt it was in line with the teachings of Christ. I understood that you felt that Marg's expulsion (as well as the rejections of friends that she insisted on visiting) was correct as far as righteousness is concerned. I will enclose an account of these ungodly expulsions that you have suggested you support. The truth of this account, not written by me, is not disputed even by the workers involved. You also clearly said you support Dales statements regarding the lesser importance of right and wrong when overseers make decisions. The most important thing for you is that people further down the hierarchy 'work with it'. I will of course respect your right to establish your own position on these things - I can wonder where respect for the spirit of the love and compassion of Christ fit into these things. But perhaps you have found a way. It seems to me you are trying hard to avoid the issues, or justify the unjustifiable and this is a disappointment to me. I guess I will have to learn to deal with that disappointment. We expect my mom and dad on a visit in 10 days - My sister Helen is also coming with them but just for one week. We enjoy Terry being with us in Trollhättan now. She is a big help to us all. Her sister Jackie from South Africa is to arrive next week on a visit. You will also know that Terry was extremely unjustly dealt with when she decided to leave the work but Eldon did act in a very wonderful and extremely Godly way and did what he could to put things right again. I admire him very much for this. It is an extremely unusual virtue amongst responsible workers!! The ordinary attitude of responsible workers seems to be 'We never make mistakes and even if we make them they are still not mistakes.' 'The Lord will look after them, we are too important for the Lord to ever expect us to put things right' (Excuse the sarcasm) Emma just returned from a 10 day trip to Italy where she spent a week with Alex at special meetings time there. Alex seems to love it in Italy now after being forced to leave Sweden. Being a sister worker has its drawbacks as far as taking blame for situations. You will notice Martin was given a trip to Kazakhstan for his part in the tangle. I can understand why you and a number of others, feel it best to admonish me to keep silent and trust that all is in Gods hands. You will know Dany (from France) is also living in Gothenburg at the moment after spending a few months with us. We got to know her quite well then. Her expulsion from the work is of course a cause of worry as well but we have all been advised to hush it up to preserve unity! I guess an extra scapegoat was needed and unfortunately it fell her lot even if the problem was with 15 year immorality in an 'overseer'. This of course increases the need of secrecy. There are a lot of other explanations of course, with different amounts of truth and sizable amounts of untruth in them. It doesn't seem that the truth is important, as the decision was made by the 'highest counsel of overseers' and according to your reasoning this makes it right even if it is wrong. In any case their explanation is the only one permitted to be officially heard. All other explanations arise out of 'bad spirits'!! Interesting to note you feel things have never been more Godly than they are today! We are looking forward to being with Johan and Hilde Skammelsrud this Sunday. Their little Tordbjörn is the same age as our Eleanore so they have a good time together. Mireille and Hilde enjoy each other as they feel they understand each others background. We plan on continuing over to Kragerö in Norway on Sunday evening to spend a day with Ronald Rygg. The last time we were there was on our honeymoon 11 years ago and a lot of water has run under the bridge since then. All for now Yours in Him, Edgar Massey 4261 Skickat: den 27 april 2001 09:30 Till: Massey Edgar Kopia: Eldon Knudson Judging from what you wrote about me in your reply to Erik, Edgar, it confirms only more firmly that what you have been writing about others likely contains about as much truth; and it isn't much. You can feel free to write about me as much as you like, but please make sure the facts are straight first. You'd make a good newspaper reporter! Take a little here, a little there, and make a good story of it all. If you enjoy writing to others about my failures and mistakes that is fine; some enjoy doing that. I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father who does know and we can go to Him. Just this, greetings, Martin (Dean Martin Johnson) SWEDEN 4271 Skickat: den 27 april 2001 10:22 Till: Dean Martin Johnson Kopia: Eldon Knudson I understand I have hit a sore spot. But if you care to challenge any of the facts in what I have written I will of course accept truth as it is proven to me. I haven't made the claim to perfection at all and we are all seeking truth. I made very little comment on any failures you have made except to point out that you were treated differently than Alex - and I didn't even imply that was your fault. Everyone has seen these things without me pointing them out. Edgar Massey 4272 CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH MAY 2001 CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH JUNE 2001 CORRESPONDENCE THROUGH JULY 2001