Sun, 17 Jun 2001 Dear workers in Scandinavia This is the second general letter that I send to workers in Scandinavia regarding my concerns. I am sending it at this time, as I know you are likely at preps and will have a chance to discuss these things together if you wish, correct me if my concerns be found groundless, or take impression, if my concerns prove to be legitimate. I did appreciate replies from a considerable number of you to the first letter and a number of interesting points did come up as a result of them. Many did seem to me to be very carefully non-committal. I understood that in western Canada workers were advised not to answer my letter, which of course I do regard as an answer in its own way. There is a message in 'non-reply' and I do consider it!! With regard to this, I will mention a thought that my brother Ken brought up about Pilate’s public effort to 'wash his hands' of the responsibility of doing what he could, to support the 'politically condemned'. Pilate justified himself saying it was an issue in the priesthood’s field of responsibility. 'To avoid standing up for what he knew in his heart was right' was the option he chose - He made claim to personal innocence and then hid behind proclaimed respect for someone else's jurisdiction. This seems to be a popular option amongst many today. The position is 'If it is not me being hung - then let hang.' - 'let one die for the people' - 'let the Lord chose another way to take care of it, where I don't have to be stick my neck out'. This was also the stand that many (of course not all) workers took regarding Terry this last fall when she was falsely condemned. How many stood up and said 'Listen this isn't true - we feel she has done nothing worthy of this defamement'? Wouldn't it have been easier for Eldon if someone had dared to stand up for the conviction in their own hearts? Been willing for the internal persecution, and possibly loss of rank, this would have involved for a little period of time. Where is faith in the conviction that God puts in each of your individual hearts? There are a lot of other problems that wouldn't have arisen if each would give the Lord credit of being able to guide their thoughts, and because of this trust them, instead of blindly following a human being walking on this earth. I am sure you will notice this is the exact opposite advice that Dale gave in the letter I previously quoted, where he said 'Irregardless' of the convictions and spirit that God has put into your own hearts it is best to disregard it and 'work with' the advice of the senior workers. This doctrine serves only to belittle the value of the word of God to the hearts of his people, serves to glorify men, and is meant to justify 'the breaking of the bruised reed' and 'the quenching of the smoking flax'. These are very serious things. Pilate, by unwillingness for involvement, made it possible for our Lord to be nailed to the cross. This, In spite of knowing in his heart he wasn't guilty of death. Why did he do so? Only to avoid a fuss - and to avoid a run-in with the high-ups of the priesthood. I doubt if this will be regarded as acceptable excuse for non-intervention when he stands before God. I believe that sometimes the Lord expects us to be willing to stand for rightness whatever the cost may be, and however badly it may look to those around us. Personal persecution was not taught by Jesus as something for us to avoid at any cost - especially if the cost is to be paid by others. I have received a number of replies, with different positions on some of the different things that I had mentioned in that letter. Amongst others was a letter from Johan Jorgensen with some interesting points. He made some effort to deal with my concern about the million dollar accounts (in the work) that have come to light in Canada. He evidently felt that this was acceptable considering the greater number of workers in Alberta. This is the comment that he made regarding the Danish situation. To me this does not speak of poverty. Honestly - do 'multi hundred thousand kronor accounts' speak of poverty to you? I have no reason to believe Denmark's position is unique in Scandinavia When these sizable bank accounts - funds - mineral rights and other types of capital placements turned up in Canada in 'the work' I did not realize that these kind of things seem quite common in many other fields - including Scandinavia. I have wondered at the sizeable investments made by 'the work' in different areas but until now have been able to ignore the obvious. Just one look at the cars 'in the work' doesn't speak of poverty to people in my income class at least, but as many others have done, I too, have done my best to ignore it. I do understand these things are very strongly supported by responsible workers, and for most workers this seems sufficient proof of its rightness. However I did find it interesting to note that of the letters I received from workers about these things, half of them proclaimed they were not aware of such accounts at all (proving that they are well hidden), and the other half seemed to feel like Erik wrote to me, that they were proof of the blessing of God. One of the things that I have been glad for through the years, as proof in my heart that God is in this way, is that our fellowship is able to function without the financial structure that all worldly institutions must have to exist. I fear that my children seemingly will have to grow up without the privilege of using this thought to find strength and comfort in times of personal doubt. If institutionalized conventions need a financial system just to pay the bills, as Erik has explained to me, then perhaps it is the structure of the convention system, including the travel system involved, which needs to be reconsidered! Or has it been decided that poverty and homelessness are less important than conventions are for 'modern' workers in the age that we are living in today. Have times changed in this regard? I will enclose a letter that turned up today suggesting that the Scandinavian position to a 'non-poverty' version of the work is accepted and well defended in other fields as well. Edgar Massey 6171