It is sad but true that for honest
2x2 membership the only source of reliable internal information is
via the ex-2x2 communities that exist --- unsanctioned by
organizational leadership.
This is expecially true regarding
negatve issues such as sexual improprieties amongst workers where
the first response is no response at all ... (8 months of
silence in the case of Dean Bruer -- workers obviously hadn't
planed to inform folks at all)
Then when suspicions arise .. the
response is to diminsh significance and imply that senior
workers have taken unspecified action to 'deal with it' --
When and if calls for
clarification arise -- The blame for unneccesary concern is placed
on bitter exes that 'just want to cause trouble'. (revolutionary
'bad' folks)
If this should fail to calm ... A frantic
flurry of non-descriptive texts with vague suggestions of
"we've got it under control" - With the recuring- "Just trust us
because God himself trusts us!! --- "And above all things
don't listen or read anything from souces outside top ranking
The non-transparency doesn't only exist in
sexual abuse issues
The general economics of 2x2 operational activity described as
'manna from heaven' is a complete deception - denying the proven
existance of an intricate financial system that only top workers
have access or even knowledge of.
Financing the comprehensive conventions system is carefully hidden from 'ordinary
membership' -- but anyone with the slightest
interest in mathematics and logic can figure out that 20 dollar
handshake contributions are only a drop in the bucket. Large
amounts of money kept in undisclosed accounting systems .... with
absolutely no transparency or independant control.
The implication of that the only leader is 'God' is complete
deception .. the organizational hiarchy is well understood at lower
levels but
never documented to be understood by 'ordinary folks'. The top
level appointment system is never even mentioned--- but quite
obviously exists.
Inspite of a denial of its existance, there is an extensive rule
system for membership regarding many aspects of personal life ---
dress and apperarance code, TV possesion, social life etc etc .
-- yet once inside the group it becomes evident and everyone knows
the painful result of disregarding this rule system.
Comments, corrections and eventual questions are welcome to |