Slander and Filth
 manufactured Retroactively By 2x2 Leadership

and delivered with the sole purpose of added injury to a person that they had already brutally knocked into the ditch.

A pix of Dale Shultz taken shortly after he expelled Marg and then launched the ungodly smear campaign

Well after the initial expulsion from the work, in the interests of 2x2 damage control, a typical but cruel sequence of filthy and freshly invented 'slander and libel'  was initiated against Marg. A  tactic simply meant to move focus from the ugly leadership power/prestige  motives for the expulsion, to an ordinary low class insinuated defamation and smear campaign.

Note that no negative specifics could be mentioned .. just a general, wide ranging, ill-will towards Marg, insinuated in a way that effectively resisted any form of   contesting the truth involved. Within the group it worked well, as it has always done before -- few dared to challenge it.  Those that did, were also expelled.

Slander that was designed for pain, simply as a  kick in the face to the abused and bleeding -- a beaten and bruised individual already laying in the ditch.  This ugly slander was expressed directly to me in this following email -- but just imagine all the ugly but well directed slander insinuation planted in the minds of group membership by workers in other dialog! The well functioning gossip distribution chain of 2x2ism is something well understood by many -- but most of all, understood and well used by group leadership!

Check my comments further down this page

FrFn: Dale Shultz

Skickat: den 5 mars 2001 21:41

Dear Edgar,

I have 3 messages now that have come from you in the last week. I will send a few lines back this morning. Your cousin, Marg, has been a problem for many over the course of the last few years. By "many", I would include her companions, many elders in her fields, other friends in her fields, etc. Her frequent bizarre messages at conventions and special meetings these past years would invariably draw the attention of visiting workers and raise comments and questions from them. Even this last special meeting round, in which I thought her messages were somewhat toned down from what they had been in previous years, some of our visitors questioned her attitude and messages.

I would say also that, over these past years, a great deal of patience, kindness, consideration and mercy has been expressed towards Marg in spite of difficulties towards which she was contributing. These difficulties were by no means limited to her involvement with the Alberta situation. Also, over these years, a great deal of effort went into trying to help Marg with her attitude but to no avail.

I would just say that there is a huge part of the picture that you were not seeing when you sent out the E-mails that I have seen. If your analysis is correct, the workers in Saskatchewan would be a very oppressed, unhappy group of people. This is certainly not the case. Also, the friends would be a very distressed, frustrated, anxious group of people. I haven't seen evidence of that being the case either except in a very few, isolated instances. We do feel sorry for Marg and for the direction she is choosing to take. She doesn't have a lot of credibility among workers and friends who know her. She is further eroding that credibility at the present time by sending letters throughout western Canada in her own defense. Most of these letters are going to people who were already very aware that something was not right in her spirit and ministry. They knew this just by observation, not because those on our staff have been doing any talking.

I don't like to be put in the position where I even need to mention these things about Marg. I feel that I must relay something to you because you are forming some conclusions on the basis of partial information along with a good deal of distorted information. I hope that this can be of some help.

Dale Shultz


Two dubious qualities, that we must give the Pharisees credit for being extremely skillful at applying to life in their day and age.

1-The cross where Jesus died is just one of the proofs that religious leadership has the capacity to manipulate logistics in order to condemn the innocent - and then convince the masses that their accusations are true and that their cause is righteous.

2- Our Lord also gave the Pharisees credit for the ability to maintain an appearance to others as 'whited-walls' in all their brilliance, when really before him they where filled with the ugliest forms of self-interest. According to Jesus, religious leadership  had the ability to take even the vilest of this corruption and put it in a package that would seem (to the unsuspecting) to appear white and pure. And that they then  had the capacity to make the masses believe that corruption was far from them!! This is what deception is all about.

Can we see this tendency in our day and age, amongst self-appointed religious leadership??



From: Edgar Massey

CC: Merlin Affleck, Jim Atcheson, Willis Propp

Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 21:28:38 +0100

Thank you for finally acknowledging my concerns - Dale I think that you will understand that the spirit of this letter only increase the burden of my heart for what this fellowship is coming to if this attitude is the prevalent one amongst the workers. With all these things wrong in your opinion why did you give her the choice of staying in the work if she stopped visiting the expelled friends in Alberta.

I will let this be all, Edgar


The unrighteous demand leadership placed on us who expressed concern was to leave this cruel execution in the hands of the priesthood .. and just trust they were doing the right thing.

The example we were expected to follow was  Pilate’s public effort to 'wash his hands' of the responsibility of doing what he could to support the 'politically condemned'. His excuse was that  it was an issue in the priesthood’s jurisdiction. 'Avoid getting involved' was the option he choose - and is as we have noticed, still the most popular option, with the vast majority of folks involved in 2x2ism today. This spirit is actively taught as a virtue in the group today.

Skickat: den 6 mars 2001 06:13

Dear Edgar,

I have just read yours. You were wondering why a promise to not visit the disturbed people in Alberta would have been sufficient to have enabled Marg to stay in the work. That is actually not the case. We had five requirements to present to Marg and we were asking for a commitment on all five of them. Before we brought up any of them, Marg asked us if these requirements would affect who and where she visited. So, when she was unable to comply with this part of it, we brought up nothing further. A simple understanding that workers recognize the world over is that we *don't go into other fields and get involved without the knowledge and sanction of the workers in that field. That applies to the field bordering us,** let alone the neighboring province.

Dale Shultz

* The above quotation from Dales email is a direct and  complete misrepresentation of truth -- and Dale was well aware of this  -- I was in the work for 16 years (Dales companion several times) and quite often visited bordering fields and countries (a number of times with Dale)  without applying for worker 'sanctioning' for visiting people -- especially people outside the fellowship that were personal friends. I have been companion with a number of the senior workers, often going across internal (and international) borders. It was never a question of asking permission first! This only becomes an issue when power politics becomes involved.

This was obviously power politics of the most ungodly sort. The completely counter-Christian 2x2 policy that workers 'own' visiting rights to all people (both proffessing and non-proffessing) within their leadership allotted borders is absurd -- and completely without scriptural or moral  merit. The only issue here was power-political, and at that time leadship obviously felt they needed to show their muscles, in an attempt to conceal major earlier violations of the Christian spirit in those fields.

** Check this link, where Dale himself had been brought to task and forcebly extracted a promise (both orally and written) from Willis Propp for the exact same 'crime'. This was nothing but a high ranking prestige issue by leadership in panic.. very unbecoming to the basic Christian spirit that has long since been forgotten in the group.